Why Does Weight Fluctuate After You Lose Weight?


When people are on a weight loss journey, it’s extraordinarily common for much of the weight to be gained back. It’s also a frustrating, sometimes depleting part of the weight loss journey. You’re not alone if you’re wondering, “why does my weight fluctuate so much?” 

There are many things to consider on a weight loss journey. Here we break down the top need-to-knows. Let’s take a deeper look! 


Why do you yo-yo with your weight and how to fix it. — Part 2 – toxins #weightloss #metabolism #menopause #detox #diet #yoyodiet

♬ Aesthetic – Tollan Kim

Weight Fluctuation: The Details 

Weight fluctuation happens for a variety of reasons. Water retention, food intake, hormones, exercise, and even the time of day can affect your weight. 

Though a normal occurrence, weight fluctuation can be an exhausting thing to deal with. Constantly yo-yo-ing back and forth between losing and gaining weight can also be confusing. Specifically, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what you’re doing wrong. 

If you’re anything like the women we work with who are 45 and older, the number one thing you don’t want to experience is gaining weight back. In fact, every time you lose weight and gain it back, there are various potential side effects. Some include:

  • Becoming more insulin resistant
  • Losing muscle
  • Gaining fat
  • Imbalanced hormones
  • Causing bodily stress
  • General difficulty losing weight

These yo-yo-ing side effects make it so that you’re actually better off not losing weight if it’s all going to be regained. 

How Much Can Weight Fluctuate in a Day? – A Closer Look

So, how much can weight fluctuate in a day? This is highly dependent on a variety of factors and will vary from person to person. However, the average adult can flutuate in weight up to five or six pounds in the same day. 

The number one factor that causes you to gain weight after losing it  is toxins. Toxins cause you to gain the weight back after you’ve lost it. However, there’s a way to avoid that. 

The best way to avoid this is to lose weight in a healthy way from the start. This means letting go of calorie counting, fasting, juice cleanses, going super hard in the gym, and cutting food intake. These things stress the body out, which puts your body into survival mode. And when your body is in survival mode, it begins to store fat. 

Breaking Down Toxins

Understanding how toxins work is essential. Toxins penetrate your fat cells. Fat cells are meant to protect you from toxins – it’s one of their primary purposes. 

If you lose weight and don’t release the toxins from your body, you will regain those toxins in your fat cells. Meaning you’ll store the fat again. Thus, you must be able to clear the toxins from your body. 

When talking about detoxing, we’re not referring to juice cleanses, green smoothies, or enemas. Those things have their place but aren’t really the best way to detox the body. Look to do a mild detox to draw toxins from the body while losing weight. 

Here are two great starting points for gently detoxing:

  • Take a Binder: A binder attaches to toxins to clear them from the body. Fiber, activated charcoal, or bentonite clay are great places to start. 
  • Focus on Good Bowel Movements: Gut health and healthy bowel movements are everything. In the morning, incorporate a warm cup of lemon water. You can also start with Epsom salt baths, staying hydrated, and moving the body. 

These are keys to gentle, mild detoxing without stripping nutrients from the body. Doing this is a way to ensure that when you’re losing weight, you won’t gain it all back. 

Ready For a Program That Works?

Are you tired of researching “why does weight fluctuate?” We get it. At The Metabolism Reboot, we know that weight gain is a symptom of imbalanced hormones and inflammation. 
That’s why we’ve designed a 10-week coaching program to reboot your metabolism, helping people to lose weight permanently and sustainably. Ready to regain your confidence and keep the weight off? Reach out to us today!