Beginning at the onset of puberty, women are subject to a life of ever-fluctuating hormone levels. The emotional rollercoaster does not stop when they enter middle age. During perimenopause (a multi-year transitional stage that comes before menopause), women may see drastic drops in their estrogen levels. Though this is normal and expected, it can still be a shock to your system.

Does estrogen cause weight gain, and if so, how can you seek to remedy it?

Where’d All My Estrogen Go?

The hormone estradiol helps regulate women’s metabolism. When estradiol decreases, women might gain weight just by eating the same things they always have. Drops in estrogen levels can result in a range of hormone-related issues.

It can be challenging to lose weight when your metabolism drops. The best thing you can do for your body during this time is to eat the right foods.

Estrogen and Weight Gain

How are estrogen and weight gain connected?

Prior to entering middle age, it is common for women to gain weight in their hips and thighs. This can be the body’s way of preparing women for childbirth. But when the childbearing years are in the rear-view mirror, the body tends to put those extra pounds in a woman’s mid-section (belly/abdomen). This is called visceral fat.

Visceral fat, while being a pain, can also be dangerous. It can lead to diseases like diabetes and stroke. Heart disease and cancers can also come from visceral fat. So it’s best to turn the corner on it before it gets out of hand.

The best thing you can do to avoid weight gain during the dreaded estrogen drop is to be as healthy as you can be. Avoid processed foods and additives. Make smart choices during the day with fruits and vegetables. And if you’re up to it, do some light exercise. A simple ten-minute walk can do wonders for your health!

For more weight loss tips and how to battle estrogen imbalance, we’re here to help.